How is this any different from how JWs respond when their children are exposed to beliefs they view as false? Lloyd even brought out the Book of Bible Stories! You can’t script this!
So Lloyd “had words” for the JW in-laws (I’m guessing in his broken Croatian?). Lloyd - have you ever listened to your daughter? She has very strong views that line up with yours and with that in mind, shouldn’t you have let Jessica unwitness to them?
Jessica described it as a “big war” within the family, meaning of course Lloyd was making it into one. Lloyd immediately tried to correct her by saying he “had words”. It could be that Dijana didn’t like him speaking to her parents like that and felt she had it under control. That’s more likely what the “big war” was about.
No, you had to take control by threatening people who, though misguided by their religion, do have a concern with how their grandchildren are being raised and with good reason - Lloyd and his manipulation and bully tactics. And we had better believe that he threatened them with not seeing them ever again. Who’s acting more like a JW? Who is actually threatening to tear family members apart from each other?
The video was cringe. The daughter wanted to be silly and have fun. Lloyd frequently had to interrupt and/or ignore her comments in order to get to what HE wanted to talk about. His comments to her indicate this was not the first time he had gone over that book with her:
Lloyd: Do you remember me explaining this picture to you?
Jessica: He explained this to me
The portion about paradise had me rolling in that Jessica was dead-on about where her father went:
Jessica: If you want to see paradise you get on a plane and you land and you are in paradise!
Lloyd: Places like that already exist and I said I know… (oh he knows quite well how to get to paradise)
Lloyd, why don’t you tell her about how the plane dropped you in paradise so you can see the sex workers elephants?
Finally, in what could be best described as a statement about who really raises them, Lloyd asks her about what she would do if granny ever said those things again.
“I’d call Mummy!”
Lloyd: “You’d call Mummy or Daddy…”
This is how JWs parent children. Kids eat Christmas candy at school, it’s straight to the Book of Bible Stories about the Babylonian furnace. Lloyd stated that the book had traumatised him as a kid, but he is so emotionally retarded that he doesn’t see how he’s doing it again with them.